Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Heavenly Company: Entertaining Angels and Other Strangers is a book project we [Cecil Murphey and Twila Belk] contracted with Summerside/Guideposts for an August 2012 release.

We want true stories of angelic appearances that resulted in changed lives.

Do you have an angel story to tell but can't write it yourself? Email us the details. If we believe your story has potential for this book, we will contact you for more information and will write the story for you.

We will edit every selected story for consistency and style.

We will not change factual information.

If you are unwilling to allow edits, please do not submit.

Submission Guidelines:

Deadline for stories is November 12, 2011.

All entries must be double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, ragged right margin, in a Word document.

Story length should be 900 to 1,400 words. We will not consider longer pieces.

We prefer first-person narratives.

We’ll include your name with your story. If you want to use someone else’s story, get written permission, write it in first person, and we’ll credit both of you. We’ll include a brief bio of all writers.

Every story must have a positive impact from the angelic encounter.

You may send an original or a reprint. (If a reprint, tell us where it was published and assure us that you own the reprint rights.)

If your story is selected, you’ll receive a $50 honorarium and retain reprint rights. You’ll also receive a free copy of the book.

If your story makes the preliminary cut, we’ll notify you by February or March 2012. The senior editor at Summerside/Guideposts will make final decisions for inclusion in the book.


Send your story, formatted according to the guidelines, to heavenlycompany@gmail.com. Put the words "Story Submission" in the subject line. We will send a confirmation email shortly after your story is received.

Do not email to check on the status of your submission. We will notify you in February or March if your story is selected.

Visit the Heavenly Company Book website for more about the authors and a sample story.

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