Sunday, September 11, 2011


Dayton-based publishing company, Pen of the Writer, hosts the eighth annual Pen to Paper Literary Symposium on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at Delco Park, 1707 Delco Park Drive, Kettering, OH 45420. Sessions begin at 9 AM.

Since 2004, the Pen to Paper Literary Symposium has helped hundreds of aspiring writers and authors learn the premise of writing and the elements of publishing. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the book industry and gain personal and professional perspectives from published authors. Breakfast, conference journals and giveaways will be provided.

About Valerie J. Lewis Coleman

Valerie J. Lewis Coleman, bestselling author of Blended Families An Anthology and The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box, will provide over a decade of expertise in the publishing industry in sessions such as Judging a Book By Its Contents and Millionaire Mindset for the Self-Published Author. Dubbed "The Dr. Oz of Publishing" by previous symposium attendees, Coleman will launch a how-to guide entitled Self-Publishing Made Easy in December 2011. This title contains insider information including

The formula for writing, publishing and marketing a bestseller

How to avoid the top five mistakes made by new authors

How to price your book to sell

Industry secrets publishers don't want you to know

Proven methods to generate funds for your book project

About Karen MR Townsend, PhD
Dr. Karen M.R. Townsend, author of It All Started When I Stopped Using Lotion- One Woman's Journey From Chaos to Calm, will reveal pre-release marketing strategies in the session If Only I Had Listened to My Publisher: Strategies for Marketing Your Book Before It's Published! Townsend is the president and CEO of KTownsend Consulting and founder of About My Sisters, an organization dedicated to addressing the distinct needs of women and girls.

About Pen of the Writer
Pen of the Writer is the vision of Dayton native, Valerie J. Lewis Coleman. The company was created to provide writers and authors with a smooth transition through the publishing process. To obtain a complete agenda and registration information, contact Whitney White at 888.802.1802, or visit

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